The warp-resistant framing realises long-term stability for the glass-painting fields
The warp-resistant framing ensures the stability of the leaded glass and de-couples these to the greatest possible extent from damaging influences to which the building is subjected – for instance, due to rust pressure in metal elements or settling in the masonry. Particularly for the simultaneous installation of exterior protective glazings.
In later work on the room shell, the warp-resistant framing enables the simple and efficient removal of the valuable glass paintings. Wall conservators or church painters can more effectively re-work the room shell, and the glass paintings can be maintained in the meantime.
Narrow rolled-lead strips attached to the sides enable the perfect coverage of light panes on the sides. In their installed condition, lead coverings soldered at the rear are pressed flatly onto the stone walls framing the window, close to the brass frame.
Numerous steps are required for a well-conducted warp-resistant framing
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